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Thou shall not upset Mr. Bones! Do not:
Sit on gravestones!
Stray from the path!
Enter the forbidden house!
If you do Mr. Bones will take his revenge.

Rumour has it that guests must take a ride on “Mr. Bones’ Revenge” for disobeying him and they never feel quite right after they do.
Also, there are reports that guests are never to be seen again after entering the “Forbidden House “but they seem to keep breaking down the fence to get a peek inside.
If you survive the walk through the park and reach the back you will be treated with “Ghost Rider”, an RMC that will surely rattle your bones.

Happy Halloween Everyone!

p.s. Sorry if I didn’t include you in my park - I tried to get in everyone I could remember. I got a lot of inspiration from many of your previous contest entries. Hope you enjoy!

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