Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 7.05
The Department of Parks and Recreation in a small desert town has been seeing exceptionally low attendance at the Eastern entrance to their network of hiking trails, causing city council to question whether it was worth maintaining.
Featuring an old, abandoned church and a steep climb up the wall of a cliff straight out of the parking lot, this area would have been missed by the more dedicated hikers for its strangeness. Some basic market research revealed guests were avoiding the Eastern entrance due to the formidable, sun-parched incline of the cliff trail. Given a modest budget to attract more visitors, Parks and Rec searched for an attraction that would appeal to these lazy people.
Further research revealed drop towers were a popular ride in the amusement industry. It was decided they would lean a drop tower against the cliff wall to hoist riders who didn’t want to walk uphill. Unable to locate a used gen 1 Intamin drop tower to retrofit to their needs, they turned to knockoff company Intamax to create a similar ride.
Payload was constructed from the finest chinesium alloys, allowing for easy construction against the rock, as well as less frequent rockslides due to shaking. The attraction acts as both a transport, and a thrill ride with its two stations. Guests boarding from the bottom station will be leisurely lifted to the top of the incline, while guests boarding from the top station would immediately be dropped off the cliff fast as gravity allowed.
(note from DK: Small point penalty for custom objects)