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Score: 6.06

Have you ever heard of that small french village of Dymme Vittes? Of course you haven't, it's completely made up, but if it existed, you won't believe what spookery is going on there.

A long, long, long time ago a most wicked circus was in town, so most wicked, not even a single town member of Dymme Vittes could remember the name of that circus - they say it might come from that circus being from the 18th century and no Dymme-Vittesian who would have visited that circus is still alive.

The legends say that along with that circus was an old carousel, most wicked indeed, and the old man who owned that carousel was in a fight with the circus director, it was about money. Sure the carousel was part of that circus, but the old man had bought the carousel with his own money, so instead of getting a salary from the director, the old man demanded cuts from the carousels entrance fees. The director refused, so after harsh words they began to hit each other, until the director had brutally beaten and killed the old man. When he realized what he had done, the director tried to hide the incident by throwing the corpse into a pond near the town of Dymme Vittes.
But as an outcome the director had to face a trial, since the missing of the old man was soon reported to the police. Traditionally that wicked director was sentenced to death by guillotine, while the poor members of that circus wouldn't know, what to do. Many faced a strong fate to live on the streets, beg for money and food and found death under opium or alcohol. Today the only remain is the old carousel marking the spot where the old man was thrown to.
Today the humble people of Dymme Vittes use that pond for a seasonal happy little fair.

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