Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 5.56
“Tuesday, March 1st, 3056 AD – Planet Gordoña – Star 5ZX8 – Andromeda Galaxy
Today we found it… The source of the mysterious energy we’ve been looking for forever…”
The second to last entry in Joseph Johnson’s diary was very clear. He and his team had been looking for something for a long time. The source of a particular mysterious energy. Joseph continues:
“The colours of it are bright and blue, brighter than any shade of blue I have ever seen. It’s almost as if the ice we found it in was transformed into glass by the energy around it…
As we want to study this energy as best as we can, I have instructed our team to set up the facilities needed as soon as possible. They have started to build the box shaped building, which is shaping up nicely already…”
While Joseph Johnson Sr. and his team built their research facility around the energy source, another group had arrived at Planet Gordoña and taken notice of the discovery made by Johson Sr. and his team. We take a look at Joseph’s final diary entry:
“Sunday, April 2nd, 3056 AD – Planet Gordoña – Star 5ZX8 – Andromeda Galaxy
I am writing this diary entry as the last surviving member of my team. I am currently hiding in the underground based we started building last week. I hope they don’t find me…”
We can read the obvious panic in Joseph Johnson Jr.’s diary entry. And for good reason, as he had just seen his entire team slayed before his eyes, by General Ka’aax and his army.
General Ka’aax had found out about the discovery of Johnson Sr.’s team by accident. He was flying around when his sensors picked up some activity on the nearby uninhabited planet Gordoña. When Ka’aax scouts came back with report of what they saw, Ka’aax immediately suited up his army and went over to the planet. Entrepreneur in spirit, Ka’aax could not pass up on this opportunity.
When he arrived, he found a team of underequipped human astronaut-scientists. An easy battle for Ka’aax and his army.After his army had taken care of all humans, Ka’aax personally did his signature after-battle sweep of the premises, to make sure there were no survivors. In the human basecamp, he entered a tunnel, where he encountered the unarmed Joseph Johnson Sr.
In classic Ka’aax fashion, the general got his gun out to execute the human and end the battle. However, right when he was about to pull the trigger, luitenant Zorgo and Urguz came running in. It turns out the humans got further in their research than they thought, and they had found out one thing about the mysterious energy: it powered rollercoasters!
“So, human, do you know how this energy and its ability to power rollercoasters works?” Ka’aax said. Joseph could not do much else but nod his head. Ka’aax looked around for a bit. “We shall spare this man” he exclaimed, “as he will lay the foundations for the best theme park our galaxy has ever seen!”
Joseph Johnson Sr. was taken from his underground hiding spot and transported to a nearby empty plot of land. “BUILD!” said Ka’aax. And building Joseph did, oh he did. He started with a junior coaster, using the building techniques of the human astronaut scientists and basic physics he knew. Building this rollercoaster by himself took Joseph Johnson Sr. 3 years. Ka’aax was satisfied, but he felt he wanted more, so he asked his luitenant Urguz to put some pressure on Joseph. This resulted in the construction of Urguz’ Tower of Terror, a Eurofighter with a 38 meter drop and four inversions.
The Tower of Terror made Urguz and Ka’aax very happy, but they still did not like the human building style that Joseph went with. They forced him to build something else, but Joseph said he would need more people to help him.
Keeping in line with the tradition of outsourcing all labour to enslaved races, Ka’aax went searching for any imprisoned humans in their system, but couldn’t find any. As a last resort, and to save himself from more excruciating work, Joseph suggested they could try cloning him. This resulted in about 50 total Johnson being created, which Joseph all named and put to work.
Their building style changed, but also the rides. Luitenant Zorgo got his rollercoaster, an inverted impulse coaster, launched multiple times before making the loop, called Zorgo’s Ring of Death. They also built a hoverbike race, in honour of the fallen king Re’ex. Finally, they built a spaceship-exploration ride, around a fake UFO-crash site, which would become the leading theme of the park to attract customers. “Come see the completely real UFO-crash site on Gordoña” general Ka’aax would often joke, “but please don’t notice the big blue light coming from behind the wall! HAHAHAHA”
The park was turning out nicely, but general Ka’aax felt there was still something missing. He thought and thought and thought until one day he had it: A Morgan Hypercoaster would do the trick. He instructed Joseph Johnson Sr. and his workforce of clones to build it, and one year later, in 3071, the entire park was finally done. What Ka’aax didn’t know, was that trouble was on the horizon.
After the festive opening of the park Ka’aax Discovery in March of 3072 (later called ‘Year 1’ by historians), the guests came in and kept coming. Ka’aax Discovery reportedly had more than 2600 daily visitors at the end of its first year in operation! Ka’aax Discovery kept running well for years, but outside of the walls, something was happening.
Joseph Johnson Sr., almost 90 years old by now, had, after 50 years of trying, managed to convince a guest of the park that his story was real and not part of some themed area, and the guest had alerted the authorities, who sent a team to investigate if this handyman could actually be telling the truth. If so, this would mean the more than 60-year-old mission that went missing was actually captured!
After some humans went into the park as spies, the decision was made to set up a base next to the park, to investigate further. As the humans were setting up their base, they found a closed off tunnel. Scribbled on the wall it said “Look for me – Joseph Johnson Sr.”. This was all they needed. Immediately they called up all the troops they could, and went for attack on Ka’aax Discovery…