Ride Creation Contest
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Park Creation Contest
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 5.53
I "Bürgermeister" Thim22Z7 would like to welcome you to the town of Kirchberg. We are small town in the Alps known for our skiing in winter and for our beautifull nature in the summer. To provide even more fun activities our town has built a Mack bobsled rollercoaster named Alpenziege on and inside a nearby mountain. If dropping at high speeds through a building is your cup of tea then Alpenschrei is just for you, our Intamin drop tower provides high views and high thrills! If thrill rides arent your thing you can also always go walk through our nearby meadows, however watch out for the cows! Our cows have gone wild lately and have started to attack humans and eachother! So only come close if you dare to tame them!
This entry was inspired by all of my summervacations that Ive spent in the Alps througout the years. The church in this town is based on a real church (images of it can be found by googleing "st. johann parish church"). This isnt a recreation of the real town of Kirchberg in Tirol Austria, its just a made up village somewhere in the Alps, but I decided to name this village after it as a homage to all of the summervacations Ive spent in the real Kirchberg and that this town also has a church and a mountain. Same goes for the hotel, the hotel in my town is named Lifthotel after the hotel we stayed in when we visited Kirchberg all those different times.
There is really only one thing you might miss in this entry, and thats the small playgroud between the Lifthotel, the buildings for Alpenziege and the building for Alpenschrei, I recommend using cut-away-view if you want to check it out. And also dont forget to look for the Cooldude hidden somewhere in the entry.
For those who don't speak German:
3D Kino = 3D Cinema
Alpenschrei = Alpine scream/Scream from the alps
Alpenziege = Alpine goat/Goat from the alps
Kuh Kampf = Cow Brawl/Cow Fight
Bürgermeister = Mayor
Schneemann = Snowman
Priester = Priest