Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 8.5
Here's my fifth RCC plot ever. After having a great deal of fun and success with the practical rivet-steel amusement park aesthetic during the Morgan round, I'm back to try it again with a few new acquired tricks. Keen visitors will notice that the majority of my rides all retread track in one way or another - have fun spotting them all! There's also a recreation of a certain iconic flat ride - see if you recognize it. Please turn on cheats to prevent breakdowns; I did a LOT of shennaniganry with the stations and as such they are unrepairable when they break. I also bless the hearts of those who will experience glitching in advance. And now, the news:
"DOGS TOWN PRESS - Roadside Spectacle Spikes Distracted Driving
In the wake of a growing rate of rear-ending accidents along I-95 through DOGS TOWN, a special government committee has been assembled to investigate. Although not yet confirmed in a metric capacity, multiple testimony and a press-release by DOGS TOWN Chief of Police, McGRUFF C.D., has alluded towards the captivating and confusing qualities of a new big-thrill attraction as the catalyst for distracted driving.
CARBON FEVER - the latest and greatest from local engineering masterminds Manic Mechanics - is a massive refurbishment of a dated classic originally built in 1981. The 'Mechanics were hired Q1 2018 to breathe fresh life into the original layout of CARBON FEVER - adding innovative and terrifying "rollback" features that both exhilirate visitors and concern outside viewers.
"I thought it was going to crash! I just had to see what would happen."
"I slammed on the brakes; they were going BACKWARDS!"
"He was tailgating... what roller coaster?"
Motorists along I-95 though DOGS TOWN are advised to visit the park instead of stopping in the street. The rate of automotive accidents has slowly been returning to normal as the ride's spectacle fades, but treacherous conditions can still be spotted on the highway as distracted motorists take a peek."