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So, you’ve graduated from the squire trailing your knight around and cleaning up their horse dung all day long. From doing all the hard work on the quests (you still have a bruise from where that troll thwumped your backside as Sir Runsalot got the treasure) and getting none of the credit.
The wait is over, you’re on your way to being a knight yourself! Our training ground is rated 10.0 on Ye Olde Questrade.
Our program prepares you for the excitement of pillaging innocent villages, discussing conquests while fighting motion sickness at the Round Table, and provides the thrilling opportunity to discover how it feels to be a projectile at the trebuchet trials- this is to make sure you treat your trebuchet (and its contents) with respect.
Before you can graduate the program, you must experience the fine art of jousting. You will be squired off with another initiate. If you win, congratulations! Now you get to show your squire how bad you had it, and how grateful they should be for having a knight like you.
We promise a knighthood success rate of 50%. Those unsuccessful really contribute to our lovely lawns and fields- isn’t natural fertilizer a wonderful thing?

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