Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 5.98
Welcome to "Smol park", where a few rides exist, Earth just became secure again (about 25 years ago), after the mess that happened before. The trees are still a bit weird.
First off, we have a Dark Ride, called "Dark ride of mine" (pun about it is a mine ride), which is a small ride that do 3 laps, in the dark.
Second off, we have "Dueling trains". (which consist of an RCT1 looping coaster train dueling whit the TGV trains from RCT2 Wacky Worlds LIM coaster), it both have a looping, the TGV version have an in-line twist and banked slope turns. The other track can't be banked on a slope (don't count if it is a slope to level [the level part is where it is banked] piece) because the trains crash if they go in them. Illustrated by a full white train nearby the Go-kart. (the rated coasters)
Speaking of the Go-karts, it is one of the other rides around, called "United Karts". It is quite simple. We also have a suspended swinging monorail going around the park nearby.
Next is the food court and the toilets, they are in the middle whit 2 other rides. We have "The Haunted", which is the Haunted house of the park and we also have a Mini-Log flume, which have tiny turns and quite small.
After, we have "The Stairs", which is an unusual coaster, it is a weird wild mouse using pylons to support them and it is quite compact as well. Next to it, we also have "Cups of cotton candy", which spin a lot and have a cotton candy on top of the roof.
Finally, we have "Demonic flow", which is a unique dingy slide that it is propelled toward the first spike, then go backwards toward the 2nd, then go back at the station.
It is a bit chaotic as the resources are still a bit hard to obtain, explained at the start why.