Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
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Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 7.89
Carnaval na Favela do Rio!--
aka Carnival in the Rio favela.
IMPORTANT!: Please check the cheat box labeled "Guests ignore intensities" under the Guest cheats tab. Most guests will not ride the coaster otherwise.
BACKSTORY: My story takes place in the favela of Rio. Burdened by the Portuguese settlers, my ancestors, who hailed from Spain, constructed a church at the top of a hill. There, they were greeted by Harpy Eagles. Beautiful birds really, but their scientific name dates back to "Harpia harpyja" (Harpia). Their spirits guarded my ancestors' church for generations. Today, gangs don't exist as much around here, but the rich continue to live behind the hill, across from the water falls (Favela Falls [double drop]). I don't mind living with little money. My love for this church and for these spiritual birds is what I strive to live for until my days come to an end.
LAYOUT: The layout starts by taking a small dip to the right at 180°. Climb a maximum of 130ft with the hill ending inside the church. You begin your descent with a small curved drop to the left past the small cemetery followed by a corkscrew. Then, you will drop right, followed by a sudden dive loop that banks left passing both over and under the guests. Quickly, you will twist and dive under the church and fly out under the scaffolding, completing a batwing. Passing back perpendicular to where you entered, you will come to the mid-course break run. Next, you will dive right and complete an immelman and pass over "Favela Falls" with another corkscrew. You will then bank to the right through some buildings and complete an in-line twist over the guests below, followed by a soaring left turn, flying over the guests one last time before entering the brake run.
-The balloons represent the colors of the Brazilian flag.
-The yellow shirts represent the color of the Brazilian soccer/football national jersey.
-I put a statue in one of the corners to represent the "Christ the Redeemer" statue.
-The map was inspired by the favelas in Rio, mainly from playing Modern Warfare 2 in my youth; thus, the gritty style buildings that are insanely messy.
-The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory is a real thing. Google it.
-The Ferris Wheel is named "Carnival Wheel" in Portuguese, as I thought of the Rio Carnival celebrations they have.
-The Twist is named "Typhoon" in Portuguese.
OTHER THOUGHTS: This is my first ever entry to a Deurklink contest. I used to be on New Element a lot (and I plan on uploading this to the site), but that was before I went to college. I have recently graduated and plan to continue RCT2 as I work. I hope you all go easy on me for my first "park" in such a long time!