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RCC64_Morgan Cookson





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Deep in the heart of Yorkshire's great northern coalfields lies Wistolborough Mines; A once abandoned pit mine turned (by modern standards) a dated, but charming and locally beloved small amusement park. You can see the park's heritage in its geography: great hills and valleys carved by workers from decades long past - crevices now occupied by rollercoasters twisting through and within them. The rides and attractions were all built in the mid to late 60's. With the latest addition being ‘Enterprise’ in 1973, the park has become something of a time capsule for nostalgic locals and tourists alike. The star attraction is the creatively named “Mine Train” roller coaster. Constructed in 1969 at the park's inception it was one of the most thrilling and modern rides of its day. So ahead of its time that it’s speculated to have been the inspiration behind the now defunct "The Ultimate" at the nearby Lightwater Valley 22 years later. It’s also strikingly similar to the original Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, pre-dating it by over a decade... but don't tell the disney lawyers i said that.

The reason for the park's attractions remaining largely untouched since the early 70's is that soon after the park's construction, the land it resides in (the North Yorkshire Moors) was famously designated a national park. This meant any further development soon became strictly prohibited. The local authorities have wanted it demolished for the longest time - Its miraculous operation to this day is entirely due to the dedicated locals and enthusiasts who continue to enjoy the historic park and roller-coasters every season. There is a statue by the enterprise of an unnamed worker to commemorate the young lives lost in its days as a Victorian era coal mine. Thankfully, the screams of children are now because of the rides and attractions, rather than child labour :)

(thanks for reading my overly extensive theme park fanfiction i'm so sorry lol)

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