Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Score: 9.25
Full story for every stage can be found in download file.
Stage 1
Rise and shine, welcome back to Sunny Side Up on DKMP 98.7 where we bring you local news and try to make it positive so you start your day off right! I’m your host Mike Riffone. Along with families waking up to gift puppies on their front step (a great opportunity for your kids to learn some responsibility!), our latest breaking news is that the city of Cordis is making the decision to close down access to Beaver Island. For those unaware, this island was artificially created in 1947 after the war to regrow lost crops and as an arboretum to purify the air again. Eventually it was redesigned as a National Park for you to forget about the concerns of everyday life and get lost in nature. Unfortunately as technology has advanced to allow individuals to enjoy nature through VR, foot traffic has decreased and has made the cost of upkeep unattractive to our city officials. Ferries are now running on a three hour schedule, so you wouldn’t want to forget to pack a lunch! On the bright side, due to public protest of the closure, the city is holding an auction for any individual to purchase the land, as long as it remains available to the citizens.
Enter our two main contenders:
Bill Durr, an enterprising young man who hopes to turn our island into a gated community resort-the city would certainly love the property tax coming from that! Weekend trip across the lake, anyone?
Freddy Zoolius, a man certainly known to our community, given that his relative Jonathan was a founding father of our city. Our Freddy went in a different direction- an amusement park! Not only would this increase traffic to the island, the city would get a cut of the profits to cushion their budget; has anyone told the city about all the potholes on Main St?
What would the folks of Cordis like? An occasional weekend all-inclusive getaway, or years of family fun? Vote on our website!
That’s all for now, tune in next week for the results!
Have a great day, and keep that glass half full!