Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Something which I really enjoy in parks is if people put staff members in their parks in a funny way. You can do a lot with staff members to make them act out a scene. You can rename them, freeze them in place (even when they're drowning), make them walk faster or change their costumes. I have seen people put entertainers on a stage to act as a rock band. I have seen staff members that were acting out a scene from titanic. I have seen entertainers perform lewd acts in hot tubs. Little scenes like this are a great way to make your park more fun to look at! In this mini contest, I want everyone to make a scene with staff members on a very small map!
Rule 1: For this round, you will have to create a scene with one or more staff members! You can freeze them using console commands or cheats, or you can leave them walking around.
Rule 2: You are also allowed to have guests in the park, but it's not required.
Rule 3: For this round, the maximum map size is 7 x 7 tiles! I recommend using a blacktile palette to color the edges of the map black.
Rule 4: There are no limits to the amount of rides you can place in your entry, but you probably won't be able to fit many.
Rule 5: For this contest, you are not allowed to use custom scenery or rides in your park! You are allowed to use a custom palette if you want.
Rule 6: The deadline for this contest will be Saturday the 10th of July, at 7 in the evening, Central European Summer Time!
Rule 7: Have fun!