Ride Creation Contest
Mini Contest
Park Creation Contest
Multiplayer Server
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
Profy Countdown Timer: Visible on Live site
In this round, I want you to play in a scenario that has a pre-built coaster, and i want you to improve it! If you want you are allowed to team up with someone in this round!
Rule 1: You are allowed to team up with one other player in this round!
Rule 2:
You have to build in one of the RCT1 or RCT2 scenarios, and it has to be a scenario that has a pre-built coaster. You can also play in the scenarios from the official expansions.
You must improve one of the pre-built rides in the scenario you chose.
You could for example give it a station, custom supports, redo the layout, give it different vehicles, a new track type, etcetera, etcetera.
It's probably a good idea to keep it sort of recognizable though.
When submitting the park, you should let me know which improved ride you want to be rated on in the end.
Your final score will be the average of the score you got for the improved ride, and the score you got for how the park looks.
Rule 3: The deadline for this contest will be on Thursday the 27th of August, at 8 in the evening, Central European Summer Time!
Rule 4:
You are allowed to change the rides and scenery that are available to you in the scenario.
You are not allowed to use custom scenery, rides or vehicles for this round.
You ARE allowed to use a custom palette if you want!
You cannot use the OpenRCT2-official objects, except the objects from the Panda set
Rule 5:
You are not allowed to build or modify things outside of the park boundaries.
You are allowed to hide the original park fences using tile inspector or console commands.
You are also allowed to make the entrance building of the park invisible, and to put other things in its place.
You are allowed to buy all the land that is available for sale in the scenario. I recommend not choosing a scenario that is too big.
Rule 6: There's no limit to the amount of opened rides you can have in your park!
Rule 7: The most important rule: Have fun!