Difficulty level: Easy
Hey everyone! One of the Dutch company Vekoma's coaster models is the Family Boomerang. It is a family coaster where the trains are first lifted backwards onto a chainlift, and then released forwards through a track with some hills and twists, before finally reaching a spike where the train reverses and travels back to the station backwards.
When building one of these I typically use the Looping Coaster track, since it looks the most like the track Vekoma uses on this coaster type. I typically change the lift hill to Junior Coaster track using the Ride Editor plugin, to give the track booster wheels, which again makes it look more like the real thing. For the vehicles I typically use Articulated Wooden Coaster trains.
You can often find one of these in my larger parks. They are really easy to build, and can be used to fill any awkward areas you may still have left to fill in your park!
In the video below I explain how to build one of these: